Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ao Oni

Another hilarious jikkyou play on nico, this time it's a poverty horror game made in RPGMaker called Ao Oni, or blue demon. The premise of the game is pretty similar to Clock Tower: you and your friends get lost in a big mansion and you have to solve some puzzles and find the way out, all the while getting stalked by a monster.

The guys doing the commentary on their playthrough are がみ(Gami) and ふひきー(Fuhiki), who are part of a group called Borzoi Project. They do a lot of jikkyous, but this is undeniably their most popular one by a large margin. They also have a fairly popular jikkyou of another RPGMaker game called Doraemon Nobita no Biohazard, which as its name suggests, is a crossover of Doraemon and Resident Evil.

The demon in this game is a big blue man who kind of looks like Obama if he was part of Blue Man Group. Sounds silly, but the game is surprisingly scary and the Ao Oni has quite a bit of personality. Gami and Fuhiki's reactions are priceless and their screams of terror transcend linguistic boundaries.

It's also been mirrored on Youtube

FadedLily on Youtube is also doing an English translation of the Borzoi Project jikkyou, but so far he's only gotten the first 3 parts up.

Ao Oni has actually gone through several revisions. The version of the game that Gami and Fuhiki are playing is 2.xx, while the newest version of the game right now is 5.2. Every version of the game is extremely different from the others, too: different characters die, the endings change, and even the layout and size of the mansion changes. I remember in Ao Oni v1.0, three characters actually survive in the end, and there's a really scary segment where the main character look down a well and sees the Ao Oni frantically climbing up the rope with all its teeth out.

Ao Oni has apparently gotten so popular among English speakers that there's now a full English version of the game! It's for version 5.2, and requires RPGMaker to run properly.


  1. I apologise for my Anonymity, but I have to ask you a question and possibly a big favour -- is it possible to post a link to all versions of Ao Oni?
    I've only played v5.2 and I would actually like to watch the v1.0 Ao Oni climbing up the ladder with its teeth out -- I already have an image, well. Actually, a video. The player climbs into the cupboard (when nothing is around him) and it goes dark, an Ao Oni appears with its teeth out.
    It's quite possibly the most terrifying thing I have seen of Ao Oni, but. When i was playing in v5.2 and I hid away in a cupboard, nothing happened.

    Eitherway, the main request is if you could kindly post a link or links to all version of the game. I can't find them myself, I've already spent 2 days looking (found your blog right now!)

  2. Unfortunately, I can't really help you here... Ao Oni is an Indies game so there wasn't much in the way of archival of old versions. I'm guessing you'd have to contact the creator of the game to see if he can give you the older versions. I know there's a bunch of Nico and Youtube playthroughs of various versions of the game, but I have no idea how they obtained them.

    As for V1.0, there's a very quick run-through of the game here in 2 parts:

    The guy basically blazes through the game and doesn't make any mistakes. The ladder part is near the end of the game.
